Luann Bulman
School Counselor
Consistent with the district’s philosophy of education, Kingsborough Elementary School’s counseling program concerns itself with maximizing each child’s potential. It is the goal of Kingsborough’s counseling program to academically and socially prepare today’s scholars to become tomorrow’s adults.
Kingsborough Elementary School employs a full-time school counselor. The school counselor offers individual counseling, group counseling, and classroom guidance lessons. The school counselor is a member of the scholar based support team and provides follow-up with parents, staff and outside agencies when needed.
Friendship groups, social skills groups, family issues groups and character education groups are also conducted regularly.
Classroom guidance lessons include goal setting, career awareness/academic development, character education, personal safety and solving problems peacefully. Mrs. Bulman's therapy dog, Finn, joins her during her classroom guidance lessons every Friday.
Some goals of the counseling program are:
To help scholars recognize and make the most of their abilities.
To help scholars build self-esteem and self-confidence.
To help scholars develop social skills and conflict-resolution skills.
To help scholars learn to recognize and deal with their feelings.
To help scholars better adjust to school and home environments.
To help scholars develop self-understanding and self-awareness.
To help scholars make appropriate decisions.
Each month a scholar in each class is awarded a certificate for displaying the qualities of the “trait of the month” as part of the character education program. The traits focused on are: honesty, respect, responsibility, caring, fairness, self-control, safety, cooperation, and sportsmanship. Winners are recognized monthly. Initiatives on improving attendance are also a primary focus.