Here are the meal distribution sites. Anyone under 18 is eligible to pick up a meal.  Middle School:  Location: Loading dock on the athletic field side. Ring the bell. Hours: 8-10 AM for breakfast, 11-12:30 PM for lunch. Dates: Open from July 2 to August 13, closed on July 4 and July 5. Boulevard:  Location: Window on the Prospect Avenue side. Hours: 8-10 AM for breakfast, 11-12:30 PM for lunch. Dates: Open from July 8 to August 1.

  • Middle School:

    • Location: Loading dock on the athletic field side. Ring the bell.

    • Hours: 8-10 AM for breakfast, 11-12:30 PM for lunch.

    • Dates: Open from July 2 to August 13, closed on July 4 and July 5.

  • Boulevard:

    • Location: Window on the Prospect Avenue side.

    • Hours: 8-10 AM for breakfast, 11-12:30 PM for lunch.

    • Dates: Open from July 8 to August 1.