Melia Stoller, daughter of Todd and Petra Stoller, is the Gloversville High School Class of 2022 Valedictorian. Throughout her high school career, she has been an outstanding student-athlete participating in the sports of Soccer and Basketball. Outside of athletics, she is an active participant in our jazz band. Melia will attend Binghamton University in the fall to study Mechanical Engineering to become an Aeronautical Engineer one day.

Breanna White, they are the youngest child of Charles and Pamelia White, is the Gloversville High School Class of 2022 Salutatorian. Since the fourth grade, they've been an active member of the Choir and will never be able to get "Can You See the Ghost of John" out of their head. Outside of school, they are an active member of the First Baptist Church of Johnstown. Breanna will go on to follow their passions for antiquing, poetry, and performance.

Alexa Luciano, is the daughter of Anthony and Jaime Luciano. She will attend the University at Albany in the fall. When she is not working on her academics she can be found working out or dancing at Carol’s Cameos Studio/Studio 184. She is also a student-athlete who has participated in the sport of Softball.

Alex Foster, is the son of Heather Wilder and Eric Foster. He will be attending SUNY Polytechnic of Utica in the fall. Throughout his four years at GHS he was an active member of the GHS Drama Club Scitamard and Jazz band.

Jack Bruce, is the son of Michael and Tara Bruce. He plans to attend the University at Albany in the fall. As a junior at GHS he was awarded the Elmira Key award. Throughout his high school career he was an active member of the Jazz band and plays the drums in his own band, “Stump City.” in this he has volunteered countless hours playing in school activities such as pep rallies and other school events, and he also plays in local venues and music festivals. His favorite hobbies include vinyl record collecting and watching cartoons.

Dane Dillenback, is the son of Eric and Elizabeth Dillenback. He will be attending Marist College in the fall. He was named the Fulton County Athlete of the year. He has been a three-sport student-athlete for most of his high school career. He played Soccer, Swimming, Baseball, and Football during his time at GHS. He is also a member of the National Honor Society.

Aidan Albanese, is the daughter of Aaron and Lori Albanese. She will be attending the College of St. Rose in Albany in the fall. She is a member of the National Honor Society and enjoys volunteering in her community. On her off time from work and school, she enjoys painting, playing the piano, reading, and hiking.

Douglas Cook, the son of David and Holly Cook. He will be attending SUNY Environmental Science and Forestry College in the fall. He has been a student-athlete all four years of high school, playing soccer and baseball. Outside of athletics, he is a member of our Jazz Band and enjoys the sports of hiking, snowboarding and cliff jumping.

Kazuma Lomanto, is the son of Bill and Kayoko(KI-Yoko) Lomanto. He will be attending the University at Albany. He is a four-sport student-athlete playing Soccer, Swimming, Tennis, and Track & Field. In the spring you can see him running between the track and the tennis court. Outside of athletics, he enjoys playing in our Jazz Band and skiing.

Olivia Hanifan, is the daughter of Katrina Insognia, John Hanifan, and stepmother, Charlene Kilmartin. Throughout her four years at GHS she has been involved in the Drama Club and Masterminds. Outside of school, you can find her volunteering her time and singing talents to our school and community, singing such songs as the National Anthem. She also can be found following her other passion, which is art. She assisted in our mural project, which you can find outside of our cafeteria and she has helped countless people through her artwork.