234 Lincoln Street
Gloversville, NY 12078
(518) 775-5791
Fax: 725-8793

Christopher Wojeski
Assistant Superintendent


Director of Elementary Curriculum and Instruction
Bernadette Callender

Art K-12
Jason Harrod

Music K-12
Elizabeth Sterling

Speech K-12
Honora Biche

Guidance K-12
Sheila Autillio

Reading K-8
Courtney Wood

Kindergarten ( Kingsborough)
Trinda Sweeney

First Grade ( Park Terrace)
Jennie Tracy

First Grade (Kingsborough)
Lisa Boccio

Second Grade (Kingsborough)
Carrie Sweeney

Third Grade
Erin Fioretti and Lisa Masaitis

Fourth Grade
Jeanie Pavlus

Fifth Grade
Nancy Brown

Elementary SPED
Melissa Croucher

English 6-8
Christian Rohrs

Math 6-8
Elizabeth Trerise

Science 6-8
Trisha Bobowski

Social Studies 6-8
Danielle Lambert

Special Education 6-8
Meredith Fancher

LOTE 6-12
Sara Watkins

Business/Technology 6-12
Stephen Wendt

English 9-12
Karen Poulin

Math 9-12
Melissa Catania

Science 9-12
Alison Siragusa

Social Studies 9-12
Arthur Brumley

Special Education 9-12
Danielle Romano & Jennifer Gillis

Mentor Program Coordinator
Amy VanNostrand


Gloversville offers a Pre-K-12 program designed to promote the academic and personal development of all scholars. GESD is dedicated to educating the “whole child” and preparing scholars for successful careers and rewarding lives.


New York State mandates that all public school districts offer Academic Intervention Services (AIS) to any scholar who is falling behind in meeting state standards. Students are identified for AIS according to their performance on the state ELA, math, social studies and science exams in grades 4, 5, and 8. Gloversville scholars who score in Performance Levels 1 and 2 are eligible to receive AIS in the designated subject area.

Students are identified for AIS at all grade levels. The identification process is different for each level, but is always based on multiple measures:

  • Developmentally appropriate measures such as: Diagnostic assessments; Early reading assessments/literacy profiles; Assessment portfolios; Performance/demonstrations; and/or Assessments of content skills, concepts, and knowledge.

  • Tests of demonstrated technical quality such as: Standardized, norm-referenced tests (above grade three); Standardized, criterion-referenced tests; Other commercially-prepared assessments; and or Other measures that meet the standards contained in Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (American Psychological Association.)

  • Review of: Classroom performance; report card grades; and/or Student Records.

  • Recommendations from teachers, administrators, counselors, other school staff, and parents. District may also adopt or approve the procedure in grades where there are State assessments, particularly to assist in determining the level of intensity needed for services.


Gloversville offers English language learners appropriate programming in English as a New Language (ENL) classes, at all grade levels K-12.


Engage NY is a website of the New York State Education Department (NYSED) that provides resources for educators and parents. Information about the Next Generation Learning Standards, Professional Development and resources for parents and families are available at this link: Engage NY website


Diploma Types

Advanced Regents

Regents Diploma Course Requirements

English: 4 Credits
Social Studies: 4 Credits
Mathematics: 3 Credits
Science: 3 Credits
Foreign Language: 1 Credit
Art and/or Music: 1 Credit
Health: ½ Credit
Physical Education: 2 Credits
Electives: 4 Credits
Total minimum credits: 22 ½ Credits

5 Regents Exams Required

1 Life or Physical Science Exam
1 Global Studies Regents Exam
1 Algebra Regents Exam1 U.S. History Regents Exam
1 English Regents Exam

Advanced Regents Diploma Course Requirements

English: 4 Credits
Social Studies: 4 Credits
Mathematics: 3 Credits
Science: 3 Credits
Foreign Language: 3 Credit
Art and/or Music: 1 Credit
Health: ½ Credit
Phys. Ed: 2 Credits
Electives: 1 ½ Credit

8 Regents Exams Required

1 Life Science Regents Exam
1 Physical Science Regents Exam
1 Algebra Regents Exam
1 Geometry Regents Exam
1 Algebra 2 and Trig. Regents Exam
1 Global Studies Regents Exam
1 U.S. History Regents Exam
1 English Regents Exam
* 1 Local Exam in Spanish

4 + 1 Pathways

1 English Regents
1 Math Regents
1 Science Regents
1 Social Studies Regents + A second Science or Math or State approved CTE exam


Attendance is an integral part of successfully earning course credit. Since class participation is part of the course grade, excessive absenteeism will have a negative impact on the student’s grade average.

Honors Requirements

These courses demand superior achievement in all skills and content. They require consistent excellence of performance on written and oral work and necessitate the ability to synthesize, analyze, apply, and universalize concepts and content. Honors courses challenge the student to delve deeply into content to satisfy intellectual curiosity, draw conclusions, formulate hypotheses independently, and make connections between new and old material. They emphasize independent study beyond the realm of classroom work.