Dear Parents and Student-Athletes,

This handbook is designed to provide you with information pertinent to participation in Interscholastic Athletics in the Gloversville Enlarged School District. Please keep this handbook as a reference source which might answer questions you have regarding opportunities and expectations for scholar-athletes at Gloversville.

Educational development through the participation in athletics is of great importance to the educators of our district. A program, which is properly organized and administered, can meet so many needs of scholars, including the physical and emotional growth as well as the ability to achieve individually and with a team while representing Gloversville.

By signing up to play on a team at Gloversville, scholars and families are joining a rich and storied tradition of Gloversville Athletics. There are expectations on your part that the Gloversville Enlarged School District will provide an enriching, positive experience which gives you the opportunity to share in the pride of the school’s athletic program. You also commit to certain responsibilities and expectations on the part of our school and community.

The Gloversville Interscholastic Athletic program is governed by the regulations of the New York State Department of Education, the New York State Public High School Athletic Association, Section Two, and the Foothills Athletic Council. This handbook is a reflection of the many rules which exist within these organizations and the philosophy toward athletic competition which our school district embraces.

If there is anything I can do to make your participation a better learning experience, please feel free to call the Athletic Office at 518-775-5710 ext. 1067.


Michael DeMagistris
Director of Health, Physical Education and Athletics