GMS Fully Remote Students, Parents, and Guardians
Gloversville Middle School - Fully Remote Student Chromebook Collection
When: Friday, June 25th 8:00 AM - 2:30 PM
Where: Gloversville Middle School Cafeteria
All fully remote students need to return their district-provided Chromebooks and chargers. We will be collecting them in the GMS cafeteria on Friday, June 25th, from 8:00 AM - 2:30 PM. Please park in the small, back GMS parking lot and enter the building through the cafeteria doors to return your/your child(ren)’s device(s). If you, or your designee, cannot get to GMS during that window of time, please contact the main office to make arrangements to turn them in at another time. Failure to return, or make arrangements to return, both the Chromebook and charger will result in charges being billed to you for a lost device. Anyone with questions, please contact the GMS Main Office at (518) 775-5720.