Middle School yearbooks are in! You can pick them up on both Monday and Tuesday from 11am-2pm.
over 4 years ago, Communications
Simply gorgeous!
over 4 years ago, Communications
Drone image of GHS and GMS
"Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know" -Pema Chödrön
over 4 years ago, Communications
Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know
It's a beautiful day!
over 4 years ago, Communications
Drone Photo of GHS field
Every new day is another chance to be a better person than you were the day before.
over 4 years ago, Communications
Every new day is another chance to be a better person than you were the day before.
Check out our short drone video: https://5il.co/i6i2
over 4 years ago, Communications
Click on the link below to view our 2020-2021 calendar https://5il.co/i2dr
over 4 years ago, Communications
Happy 4th of July
over 4 years ago, Communications
4th of July
Our Scholarship Awards Ceremony will premiere at 6 pm. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PMlOp1Wb74
over 4 years ago, Communications
Scholarship Awards
Class of 2020, YOU DID IT!
over 4 years ago, Communications
Class of 2020, YOU DID IT!
Behind the scenes of our 2020 GHS Scholarship Rewards! CONGRATULATIONS 👏 🥳
over 4 years ago, Communications
Behind the scenes of our 2020 GHS Scholarship Rewards!  CONGRATULATIONS 👏 🥳
Recording the GHS Class of 2020 Valedictorian's Speech Mr. Samuel Getman.
over 4 years ago, Communications
Recording the GHS Class of 2020 Valedictorian's Speech Mr. Samuel Getman.
Today we put together a small caravan to celebrate Zach Collins’ last day at GHS. Check out Zach with his current teacher Mrs. Warner and his former Kindergarten teacher Mrs. Tucci! Thanks Zach for all you have done for GHS!
over 4 years ago, Communications
Zach Collins’ last day at GHS.
Shout out to Bob Rockwell our Director of Facilities who always makes sure the district is in tip top shape!You and your team are all greatly appreciated!
over 4 years ago, Communications
Bob Rockwell, Director of Facilities
Shout out to Cindy Vose our Director of Registration who does an awesome job making sure that the registration process is as smooth as possible. You're appreciated!
over 4 years ago, Communications
Cindy Vose, Director of Registration
Shout out to Danielle Graham who is our Assistant Secretary to the Superintendent. You are appreciated for everything you do for parents,students and staff.
over 4 years ago, Communications
Danielle Graham, Assistant Secretary to the Superintendent
Shout out to our Director of IT Bill Cooper who keeps our staff logged in and our students connected. You're irreplaceable!
over 4 years ago, Communications
Director of IT, Bill Cooper
Shout out to our Director of Communications Osama Mustafa for an outstanding job on managing our district Communications Department!
over 4 years ago, Communications
comm director
Behind the scenes of our Virtual 8th-grade ceremony !
over 4 years ago, Communications
Class of 2020, YOU DID IT!
almost 5 years ago, Communications
Class of 2020, YOU DID IT!